Moo Deng Become Ungovernable -Framed Cross-Stitch Art


$ 195.00

  • Moo Deng has arrived in cross-stitch form!

    This is the hand-stitched, framed version of Moo Deng. Stitched in 15 colors of embroidery floss on cotton aida fabric, framed in a 6x8" black metal frame with glass over the stitched area. It features hardware to hang on your wall and an arm to sit propped up on a flat surface. 

    Moo Deng the adorable baby hippo has taken the world and the internet by storm. And now, she will conquer the world on cross stitch. 

    I combined this exasperated, round queen with another meme-ified phrase: BECOME UNGOVERNABLE.

    I can't explain why, it just perfectly fits somehow. Be a chaotic baby hippo. Be ungovernable. BE MOO DENG!

    All patterns are © Stephanie Rohr 2010-2025 All Rights Reserved
    Patterns are for personal use only. Please do not share images of my pattern charts. The selling of patterns and/or finished products for profit is not permitted.

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